Freediving in Bali is on the list of some of the most popular entertainment in Bali, for us it is one more way to pump your level in surfing. Free diving is snorkeling while holding your breath without using equipment, the whole art of diving as deep as possible, relying only on the capabilities of your lungs. This is one of the most useful finds for the surfer, and here it’s not only a matter of duck dive, but also in other moments. What exactly, you will find out in our article.
Immediately, we note that there are several types of freediving, but they are united by one aforementioned principle - the use of the possibilities of your breathing. All Bali freediving classes begin with a practice in the pool. In practical classes, you do not blur in different directions and hold your rope while going under water. Let's talk about freediving in terms of surfers.
The ability to hold your breath is one of the main aspects in surfing, which is also important for safety. We are not interested in freediving depth, but duration is an excellent test for our lungs. All professional surfers who ride on large waves should also be prepared for good wipe outs after these very waves, because the bigger the wave, the longer the wipe out. When the ocean washing machine at dangerous spots in the distant islands of Indonesia is turned on to the «spin» mode and the second hand may be ready to go to the second round, panic and disorientation may begin.
Freediving in Bali teaches surfers not to panic and not to kill their breath. Do not panic in this case - do not open your mouth (literally) and do not make unnecessary movements in trying to get out. Thus, such rare, but accurate mixes will not put you in a stupor. If you are aiming to surf at high waves, think about moving under the water as a whole, so you will quickly achieve your goal.
Freediving is a challenge to yourself. Why? Imagine: you, beautiful coral reefs, colorful exotic fish, sun glares ... and here they quietly dull, the water becomes colder, and you dive into the deep ocean without equipment. Fearfully? In fact, absolutely not. But human psychology is so arranged that everything described above will delight and interest a very modest audience.
Freediving in Bali increases stress resistance. It has been scientifically proven that the less stressed your body and mind, the less you consume oxygen. All the stress that you experience, initially agreeing to this experience, ending with the fact that there, under the water, you have to control yourself, will remain in the past.
Surfing and freediving in Bali have a lot in common - they are a union with nature, the search for the inner “I” and the ability to live in the present, thus enjoying “here and now”. In one case it is meditation on water, in the other case it is under. Both of these activities help to unleash our abilities on the physical and mental levels and silence the internal noise in the head, which distracts from reality and binds the body and mind. Those who have tried - they know, and those who have not tried - you have everything ahead.
By the way, even the legendary Jerry Lopez, the conqueror of big waves, forbade talking on line-up, explaining that surfing in big waves requires a full immersion at the moment and concentrating on what is ahead of you.
The duration of breath holding depends on a number of factors: age, gender, physical activity, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and so on. The average rate of breath holding is different. As initially weak lungs with the right approach can be developed, and vice versa, you can easily spoil what is given by nature. Let's start in order.
Before freediving (it is advisable, of course, to exclude completely) avoid alcohol and smoking. ENT doctors have come to believe that these 2 consumer products contribute to the accumulation of mucus in the space connecting the pharynx with the middle ear (Eustachian tubes). A cram in the Eustachian tubes will manifest itself in deaf sounds, crackling in the ears and acute pain. Going under water, where atmospheric pressure increases every 10 meters, with these symptoms is a risk to your health.
Use the breathing technique 4-7-8, it is a kind of warm-up for the lungs, while calming the nerves. To begin with, take a deep breath through your mouth, freeing your lungs. Then take a deep breath through your nose counting to 4 and hold your breath (count to 7). Release the lungs through the mouth (counting up to 8) and repeat the exercise another 3-4 times.
What is the principle: a deep exhalation helps to release the body of carbon dioxide and relaxes the muscles of the body, taking a deep breath fills all parts of the lungs with oxygen and also soothes the body, holding the breath, slowing the heart rate, promotes blood saturation of the body. Concentration at the very breath stops the chaotic flow of thoughts.
Do not focus on breathing, relax. Find your dream and present it in the smallest detail, live it while you hold your breath during training. It can also be memories from childhood or any past moments, your plans or upcoming accomplishments. For example, Dave Vassel (who likes to take a chance on big waves) in one of the interviews said that being under water he imagines how he and his son learn the alphabet and until they reach the last letter, he cannot emerge. Being under stress, the body spends 67% of oxygen! So allow yourself happiness - save your oxygen!
Summarizing the above, we can safely say that freediving is not only physical, but also mental preparation for surfing. Expanding boundaries, you expand your consciousness. It is not necessary to have daily access to the ocean / sea, work your lungs every day and you will feel the results very soon!